The Eskwelabs Experience in the Eyes of Our Alumni
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The Eskwelabs Experience in the Eyes of Our Alumni

Hear what our graduates have to say about the benefits they have enjoyed investing in our brand of education

Experience is the best teacher, according to some people. Sometimes, experience is also a good cheerleader.

Do you know of anyone in your life who cheers you on whenever times get tough? Can you imagine that person guiding you every step of the way as you navigate life’s challenges?

Though Eskwelabs is a data upskilling school, you can also think of us as your cheerleaders in the challenging but rewarding world of data. 

But don’t just take our word for it. 

The collective experience of our alumni speaks volumes about how Eskwelabs has caused a massive and positive change in their careers and lives. Their decision to upskill with us stems from many reasons, among which may be the fact that data science and analytics are among the hottest jobs of the near future.

Without further ado, here is what our alumni have to say:

How Eskwelabs Has Helped Our Graduates in their Careers

“[The Data Science Fellowship] has given me more confidence to apply for roles I was hesitant to try prior to the bootcamp...” - Kayecee Palisoc, DSFC3
“...Along with my co-fellows, I also built a data science collective, Mago Analytics, to [apply] our learning and to push for ethical and social good in data...” - Angelie Maglasang, DSFC2

Kayecee and Angelie are living proof that Eskwelabs can inspire learners to get out of their comfort zones in order to build a better career. Our job-focused training and quality instruction, which are led by industry experts, give our alumni the confidence and competence they need to make positive life changes possible.

Coincidentally, both Kayecee and Angelie are now contributing towards Data for Good as data consultants at the Asian Development Bank. Angelie also set-up her own data consultancy along with her fellow batchmates, who she met during her Eskwelabs experience.

“The Bootcamp helped me learn how to approach problems with curiosity...having a mindset that always looks for what’s beneath the numbers or what insight we could get from the data we have.” - Tanya Anastacio, DABC2

Albert Einstein once said “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” At Eskwelabs, we foster in each learner the value of curiosity through participatory and active learning experiences. We have gone beyond the usual and routine blackboard lectures. Our brand of education is not just about imparting skills. Instilling the right attitude in our learners is also one of our many goals as we contribute to social development through the power of data. 

Reasons for Joining the Bootcamps

I was specifically looking for [data science] training during that time, and back then, Eskwelabs was the only hybrid (online and in-person) bootcamp, which is perfect for someone with a day job...” - Kayecee Palisoc, DSFC3

Much has changed since Kayecee’s graduation from Cohort 3 of our Data Science Fellowship. Nowadays, Eskwelabs offers fully online data upskilling tracks. We have done this since 2020 to adjust to a world shaken by COVID-19. This mode of delivering educational content serves to maximize our learners’ safety during the pandemic while ensuring they have opportunities to upgrade their knowledge for the future of work. This opportunity to upskill with us is also a convenient way for employees to enhance their standing in the labor market without sacrificing their jobs. 

“I joined the Bootcamp to get into data science as a career, shifting from health policy research...” - Angelie Maglasang, DSFC2
“I joined the Data Science Fellowship so I can meet like-minded people who are career-shifters…” - Rowen Iral, DABC1 and DSFC7

A career switch does not have to be a difficult deal. Like Angelie and Rowen, you too can jump into the world of data even if you come from a different career background. Our mentors and instructors from industry-leading companies ensure that you have solid foundational skills with numbers, statistics and data-processing computer software, regardless of what job you were trained for in the past.

If fear of math is preventing you from delving into data science and analytics, don’t worry! Our mentors and instructors are as competent as they are compassionate. They will make sure that no learner gets left behind in their quest to learn more about these cutting-edge fields.

“I wanted to find the fastest way I could learn and experience Data Science and its tools (e.g. Python, SQL). I wanted a more structured approach to learning Data Science...” Mikee Sevilla, DSFC6

Our Data Science Fellowship offers a unique combination of speed and quality. In just around 12 weeks (now 15 weeks), our learners acquire data-relevant programming skills, as well as job-ready competencies in data wrangling, machine learning, and other related fields. Our data science course is one of a kind in the Philippines. In fact, this data upskilling track is one of the few courses of its kind in the country which have been certified by an international educational organization.  

Mikee, who works at the statistics unit of the The Commission on Higher Education (CHED), is also right in describing how structured our approach is. Lessons from instructors are complemented by close guidance from mentors. Each cohort or batch of students is divided into smaller groups, with each group having an assigned mentor. This mentor is open to answer questions from learners and address their other concerns, while giving them due encouragement as they undertake projects called data sprints.


The word “cheers'' can mean many things. It could mean a toast to a person’s well-being. The word is also used by many people as they end their emails or conversations. For us at Eskwelabs, our “cheers'' come in the form of inspiring words to motivate you, true to the spirit of a cheerleader.

You’ve heard from our alumni how their learning journey at Eskwelabs has been a life-changing and positive experience. We hope their words will inspire you to invest in upgrading your data skills with us. We’re cheering you on to give us a try because we want to be your partner and cheerleader for a better life in an increasingly data-dominated economy.

Experience for yourself our unique approach to data education and you will learn that our alumni’s words are more than just empty cheers. At Eskwelabs, we catapult your career into the economy of the future, one that is filled with technology, data, and machines. But mostly, you will get to go through the journey with friends.


Curious about how Eskwelabs can help you with your career? Learn more about our Job Interview Guarantee by clicking the data upskilling program of your choice below:

Want to make us your partner in your data upskilling journey? Click “Apply Now” in either of the following links to get started: 

If this is your first time reading about the Data Science Fellowship, full program details can be downloaded here.

If you are curious about the Data Analytics Bootcamp, check out this link to know more about the program.